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- Archive 2023
Corporate law: Submission of a habilitation assurance upon appointment as liquidator more
Swiss handler buys AeroGround Berlin with Friedrich Graf von Westphalen more
Labor Law: Right to unavailability during free time more
English speaking German Courts – the Chambers for International Commercial Matters more
Labor Law: Equal pay in the case of part-time employment more
Copyright Law: The (un)free use of minimalistic designed works more
Legal Changes in 2023 more
Hendrikje Schilling more
Welcome to FGvW! more
German Carnival Traditions more
Corporate Law: Cancellation of a limited liability company despite participation in ongoing tax proceedings more
Labor Law: Agile Practices affect Consultation Rights of German Works Councils (“Scrum Teams“) more
Labor Law: Negotiating skills do not justify higher salary for men more
SME Fund - EU funding of trademarks and designs registrations more
Tax law: Federal Fiscal Court negotiates the taxation of cryptocurrencies: Are Bitcoin and Co. economic assets? more
FGvW further expands administrative law and food law practice / Christiane Fuchs joins as partner in Frankfurt more
UPDATE - Federal Fiscal Court rules: Profits from cryptocurrencies are taxable more
Friedrich Graf von Westphalen recommended again by The Legal 500 Deutschland 2023 more
We introduce: Robert Dylan Graßhoff more
Labor Law: Works Council Chairman and Data Protection Officer - a conflict of interests? more
Germany - a country for cineastes more
Corporate Law: No transfer of registered office by mere registration of a limited liability company in Turkey more
Labor Law: A prominent position and the powers associated with it do not constitute a reason for a fixed term "according to the nature of the activity" more
„A bang“ at the ECJ: The new judgment considerably expands the liability of manufacturers more
Corporate Law: Cross-Border Change of Legal Form - New Legal Framework in Germany because of Implementation of the EU Conversion Directive more
Labor Law: Works council election at foreign airline more
We introduce: Felix Horster more
Labor Law: Artificial Intelligence and German Labor Rights more
Compensation for Seva services in a yoga ashram more
Stock corporation law: Reduction of executive board compensation in the event of a deterioration in the economic situation of the stock corporation more
Corporate law: Further tightening of reporting requirements for the German transparency register more
brand eins: FGvW is one of the best commercial law firms in Germany more
We introduce: Stephan Wilczek more
Corporate Law: Registration of the deletion of a company despite pending legal action more
Labor Law: Admissibility of termination for operational reasons if work is outsourced more
FGvW advises future holding company of Bentley InnoMed GmbH on purchase of all shares in QMedics AG more
Labor Law: Termination of working from home agreement more
FGvW advises shareholder of Polytec PT Polymere Technologien on sale to French Arkema more
Corporate Law: The pitfalls of registering a GmbH in the commercial register more
Germany's Best Lawyers 2024 - FGvW recommended by Best Lawyers more
Product Safety: Legal remedies against incorrect / incomplete RAPEX notifications more
Corporate Law: No submission of a new list of shareholders by the insufficiently authorized managing director more
Germany good to know: A favorite summer pastime – Germany and its open-air swimming pools more
Corporate Law: Pitfalls in connection with the appointment of a board member of a German stock corporation as managing director of a subsidiary more
FGvW strengthens public law with appointment of public procurement lawyer Alik Dörn as partner more
FGvW advises on the sale of Ratio Elektronik to MADIC Group more
Labor Law: Termination without notice due to participation in "wildcat" strike more
IP-Law: Drone photos of artworks - A borderline between copyright protection and panorama freedom more
New foundation law in Germany more
Corporate Law: Right of a silent partner regarding information and control more
FGvW advises Motherson on the acquisition of Dr Schneider Group more
Hospital reform 2024: What funds and financiers need to know now more
Intellectual Property: The Metaverse – opportunities and risks more
Intellectual Property: The Metaverse – how do I protect my brand identity in the virtual world? more
Corporate Law: Phishing e-mails and the liability of a managing director of a limited liability company more
Corporate Law: The German commercial register more
Labor Law: Indirect Discrimination against Migrant Workers more
FGvW advises shareholders of Euroscope on sale of shares to young entrepreneur more
Labor Law: Can the sole shareholder and managing director of a limited liability entrepreneurial company (UG) be in an employment relationship subject to social insurance on the basis of contractual relationships between third parties and the UG? more
Corporate Law: Legally secure convertible loans more
Art Law: The Lost Art Database before the Federal Court of Justice more
The new "merger option" for foundations under the new foundation law more
Intellectual Property: The Metaverse – three key tips for companies to avoid becoming infringers more
Corporate Law: Appointment by the court of a chairman of a shareholders' meeting more
We introduce: Maximilian Fessel more
Germany and its Forests more
Labor Law: Compensation for damages due to unauthorized use of employee photos after the end of the employment relationship more
Corporate Law: Shareholders' meeting: No withdrawal of votes after receipt more
FGvW advises British railway company Go-Ahead on sale of German group to ÖBB more
Leaders League: Best Law Firms 2024 more
Corporate Law: The Financial Crime Prevention Act - Further Tightening of Money Laundering Law!? more
Labor Law: Necessary content of a letter of notification pursuant to Section 613a (5) of the German Civil Code more
FGvW advises Bentley Endovascular Group on pre-IPO with Private Equity companies more
FGvW recognized as "Germany's best employer for lawyers 2023/24" (F.A.Z. + Statista) more
JUVE Handbook of German Commercial Law Firms 2023/2024 - FGvW is TOP-50 law firm more
iurratio Employer Ranking IUR50: FGvW among the TOP 10 employers for trainee lawyers among medium-sized law firms and in the southern region more
FGvW advises sole shareholder of Mirage Computer Systems GmbH on the sale of all shares to Unaric Holding Limited more
FGvW advises ThielemannGroup on investment in Warsteiner logistics subsidiary BOXX Intermodal Logistics more
Corporate Law: Managing director duties when acquiring a shelf company more
Antitrust Law: (Internal) liability of the management body for anticompetitive agreements more
Corporate Law: Application for registration by a limited liability company managing director appointed subject to a condition precedent more
Labor Law: Employment relationship with a managing director is transferred to the buyer in the event of a transfer of business more
We introduce: Lukas Reichenbach more
FGvW appoints two new partners and a local partner as of January 1, 2024 more
Insurance Law: Latest decision of the Higher Regional Court of Cologne on the allocation of the burden of proof in D&O insurance more
Legal changes in the year 2024 more
Corporate Law: "Institute" as part of a company name is no longer impermissible in general more
1:1. This is how we work together. You decide upon a competent partner; he/she will then remain your point of contact. > more