In each issue of our newsletter, people from our firm introduce themselves personally. This time, it is the turn of insolvency lawyer Robert-Dylan Graßhoff from our Freiburg office.
I was born in Dessau in the "new" German state of Saxony-Anhalt, where I grew up until I was eight years old. When my parents decided to "escape" to the south, specifically to Hüfingen, a small town in the Black Forest-Baar district, I was - fortunately - part of their plans and they took me with them. After graduating from secondary school, I attended the technical high school in Schwenningen, where I realized that informatics is absolutely not what I want to do - also a helpful realization.
My dream job has been "sports commentator" since childhood. This became apparent early on as a child, when I turned off the commentator in the video game "FIFA" and instead preferred to describe the game action myself, I would say "vividly and passionately", my parents would say "unpleasantly loudly". Nevertheless, after graduating from high school, I began to study law in Tübingen. Although this decision was rather a coincidence, I am very grateful for it today.
Another coincidence during my studies led me to a part-time job at a law firm specializing in insolvency law and administration. I only ended up here because I told my goalkeeper coach's wife at a "baby party" that I was currently looking for a suitable internship. Since she worked as a judicial officer at the district court, she had frequent dealings with this law firm and suggested that I could apply there. A coincidence, without which I would probably not be working in insolvency law at Friedrich Graf von Westphalen today. I also focused my studies on insolvency law - in addition to civil litigation - and I also chose my stations during my legal clerkship at the District Court of Rottweil with a focus on insolvency law - among other things, I also completed my legal clerkship and elective station at Friedrich Graf von Westphalen in Freiburg.
What fascinates me about insolvency law, in addition to the wealth of legal facets, are the deep economic interrelationships within companies. Working as a lawyer in insolvency law also allows me to gain insight into the various interests of all persons involved in insolvency proceedings and to represent them.
I have always tried to spend my free time doing sports and/or socializing, whether it be at the gym, on the soccer field, the bowling alley, or at the dart board. Since I am part of the commuting workforce, I also have nearly two hours every day to listen to podcasts and audio books, educating myself literarily, politically, and linguistically while driving to the office. Most recently, I was particularly fascinated by the book "Thinking fast and slow" by Nobel Prize winner and psychologist Daniel Kahneman. It gives a new perspective on human thinking and helps to better understand our own thinking and the decisions we make.
16th March 2023