Dr. Wolfgang Schmid
T +49 761 21808-303
M +49 171 3630013
F +49 761 21808-539
Kaiser-Joseph-Straße 284
79098 Freiburg
T +49 761 21808-303
M +49 171 3630013
F +49 761 21808-539
Kaiser-Joseph-Straße 284
79098 Freiburg
Rechtsanwalt (Lawyer)
Studied in Freiburg i. Br., Munich and Bonn
Competition and Antitrust Law
Copyright, Publishing and Press Law
Trade Marks, Patents, Utility Models and Designs
Pharmaceuticals and Food Law
German, English and French
Wolfgang Schmid is listed as one of "Germany's Best Lawyers" 2016 - 2025 in the practice area of intellectual property law, "Lawyer of the Year" 2022 and 2025 in the practice area of intellectual property law (Handelsblatt in cooperation with Best Lawyers)
Recommended lawyer for Trademark and Competition Law (The Legal 500 Germany 2022 - 2023)
Frequently recommended for trademark and design law, competition law (JUVE Handbook of Business Law Firms 2010/2011 - 2017/2018) "one of the most experienced competition lawyers, always able to predict the outcome of a matter", "very purposeful and pleasant", "a friendly and able IP advisor"
Lawyer Monthly - Legal Awards 2014: Winner in the category of - Advertising and Marketing Lawyer of the Year: Germany
"Many corporate heavyweights rely on Dr. Wolfgang Schmid for their competition law disputes" (Kanzleien in Deutschland, 2012)
Recommended lawyer for Media, Entertainment and Press Law (Legal 500 Germany 2008/2009)
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