
FGvW is pleased to have more than 1,000 Followers on Twitter

According to Wikipedia, Twitter is an online social networking service that enables users to send and read short messages called "tweets". As of May 2015, Twitter has 500 million users worldwide. We have been part of this network since December 2012. We post 140-character messages on current legal developments, as well as on interesting and amusing facts from the legal world on a daily basis and have recently also put our tweets on the homepage of our website. In the meantime our tweets have attracted many followers. On 11 May 2015 we counted 1,000 followers and invited our 998th, 999th and 1,000th follower to a glass of champagne on our rooftop terraces in either Freiburg or Cologne. You are very welcome to also follow us on Twitter, if you are interested. You can find us at @FGvWestphalen. See you soon on Twitter or just as soon in „real life“!

1:1. This is how we work together. You decide upon a competent partner; he/she will then remain your point of contact. > more