Foreign trade law and the Foreign Trade Ordinance contain – in addition to the relevant EU law – the national legal foundations governing foreign trade. They regulate, in particular, the control and supervisory powers of customs agencies and the Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle – BAFA (Federal Office of Economics and Export Control). BAFA has overall responsibility for the issuance of export licenses. An obligation to obtain a permit may also apply in cases of corporate acquisitions in Germany by third parties. The penal provisions and administrative fines of foreign trade law apply to infringements of statutory provisions.
We offer comprehensive advice and assistance
- In connection with required licenses, permits and authorizations;
- In foreign-trade law compliance checks and potentially required adaptations of corporate processes to statutory requirements;
- In foreign trade audits and investigative proceedings;
- In challenges against penalties and fines;
- In investments of third-country companies and funds in Germany pursuant to §§ 7 Section 2 No. 6 of the German Trade Law (Außenwirtschaftsgesetz), 53 of the German Foreign Trade Ordinance (Außenwirtschaftsverordnung), which may affect the interests of the Federal Republic of Germany, as well as in investments in defense contractors and cryptography-product manufacturers.