Dear clients, partners and friends, | This is the first edition of our newsletter in 2024. We hope the new year has started well for you despite the challenges the world is currently facing.
We at FGvW believe that challenging times should never prevent us from looking forward with confidence. It was during Covid when we opened our new office in Berlin in 2020. Presently, we are taking another big leap by opening our new office in Hamburg. We now cover, geographically as well, all parts of Germany: the East from Berlin, the West from Cologne, the South from Freiburg, the Center from Frankfurt and, last but not least, the North from Hamburg. We are glad that by this, we can offer our seamless service to our national and international clients wherever they need us in Germany.
Big leaps are also required of ski jumpers if they want to win in their sport. Ski jumping is a very popular sport among Germans, which is why we will tell you more about it in this edition of our newsletter. It is also a good symbol for what is needed in challenging times: the courage to boldly go ahead and the skills to ensure a safe landing. We see ourselves as advisors who help our clients to achieve their goals despite the challenges.
So, if you plan to make a leap, we are here to assist you – now also from Hamburg.
With our best wishes,
Friedrich Graf von Westphalen & Partner
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FGvW opens fifth German office in Hamburg with laterals from BRL at the beginning of 2024! read more >
FGvW further expands Projects/Machinery and Plant Engineering capacity – Marco Becker joins as new Local Partner in Cologne. read more >
FGvW appoints Stephanie Mayer (specialist lawyer for Labor and Employment Law) and Jonas Laudahn (Commercial and Corporate Law, M&A) as Partners and Ann-Cathrin Tönnes LL.M. (Intellectual Property Law) as Local Partner. read more >
Legal changes in the year 2024
The new year 2024 brings with it many national and European legislative changes that companies have to deal with. As in previous years, we would like to briefly present the most important changes that entrepreneurs should be aware of, although we will only address the numerous tax changes selectively. read more >
| Antitrust Law: (Internal) liability of the management body for anticompetitive agreements
Directors' and officers' liability for stock corporations and limited liability companies: Management bodies are not liable for antitrust fines imposed on the company. However, this does not constitute a "free ticket" under liability law. read more >
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| Corporate Law: Managing director duties when acquiring a shelf company
When acquiring a shelf company, the managing director has the same obligations as when registering in the commercial register for the first time. The acquisition of a shelf company occurs when the "empty shell" of a corporation is used to restart the business, but there is no longer a business operation to which it is economically linked. read more >
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| Corporate Law: Application for registration by a limited liability company managing director appointed subject to a condition precedent
A managing director whose appointment is subject to a condition precedent, i.e. only becomes effective at a later date, is authorized to apply for registration in the commercial register on behalf of the company. read more >
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Corporate Law: The Financial Crime Prevention Act - Further Tightening of Money Laundering Law!?
German money laundering prevention law has been tightened a lot in the last years, and new legislation means new obligations, also for companies in Germany. read more >
| Insurance Law: Latest decision of the Higher Regional Court of Cologne on the allocation of the burden of proof in D&O insurance
In its decision of November 22, 2023, the Higher Regional Court of Cologne had to deal, among other things, with the - highly controversial - question of the allocation of the burden of presentation and proof in the company's direct action against the D&O insurer. read more >
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| Labor Law: Compensation for damages due to unauthorized use of employee photos after the end of the employment relationship
An employer must pay damages of € 10,000 to a former employee after the latter advertised with photos and videos of the departed employee for nine months after the end of the employment relationship. This was decided by the Baden-Württemberg Regional Labor Court in a ruling dated July 27, 2023. read more >
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| Labor Law: Employment relationship with a managing director is transferred to the buyer in the event of a transfer of business
If the legal relationship between a managing director and the limited liability ("GmbH") is based on an employment relationship, this is transferred to the buyer in the event of a business transfer pursuant to Section 613a of the German Civil Code ("BGB"), in contrast to the position of an executive body. read more >
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Germany – Good to Know: German Ski Jumping Sites
What little snow we have had so far this winter is almost gone, spring is in the air, but metereologically and calendrically, it is still winter, and therefore time to learn some interesting facts about a favorite winter pastime: Skiing and ski jumping. read more >
| Leaders League 2024: FGvW among the best law firms 2024 - read more >
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| F.A.Z. + Statista: FGvW recognized as "Germany`s best employer for lawyers 2023/24" - read more >
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| JUVE: FGvW recommended in several areas of law as one of Germany's TOP-50 Commercial Law Firms. read more
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| iurratio Employer Ranking IUR50: FGvW among the TOP 10 employers for trainee lawyers among medium-sized law firms and in the southern region - read more >
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