Dr. Lukas Kalkbrenner LL.M.
T +49 761 21808-341
F +49 761 21808-539
Kaiser-Joseph-Straße 284
79098 Freiburg

T +49 761 21808-341
F +49 761 21808-539
Kaiser-Joseph-Straße 284
79098 Freiburg
Rechtsanwalt (Lawyer)
Studied in Augsburg
Master of Laws (Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz / Intellectual Property)
Data Protection Law, Telemedia and Telecommunications Law
Data Protection in the Health Care Sector
Privacy Litigation
Advertising Law, in particular in E-Commerce
Unfair Competition Law, Copyright Law and Know-How Law
Intellectual Property Law
German and English
Recommenden lawyer for trademark law (The Legal 500 Germany 2023)
Further recommended for IT and Digitization (The Legal 500 Germany 2023-2024)
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