Dr. Lukas Kalkbrenner LL.M.
T +49 761 21808-341
F +49 761 21808-539
Kaiser-Joseph-Straße 284
79098 Freiburg
T +49 761 21808-341
F +49 761 21808-539
Kaiser-Joseph-Straße 284
79098 Freiburg
Rechtsanwalt (Lawyer)
Studied in Augsburg
Master of Laws (Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz / Intellectual Property)
Data Protection Law, Telemedia and Telecommunications Law
Data Protection in the Health Care Sector
Advertising Law, in particular in E-Commerce
Unfair Competition Law, Copyright Law and Know-How Law
Intellectual Property Law
German and English
Recommenden lawyer for trademark law (The Legal 500 Germany 2023)
Further recommended for IT and Digitization (The Legal 500 Germany 2023 and 2024)
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